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Business to Business Trading Portal

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Asia Centric Business to Business web portal launched  (May 25, 2000)

New Delhi, May 25, 2000 :A Web portal, first of its kind, focusing on international trade in/with Asian countries has been launched by Matrix net-on-line Limited, a new dotcom company, barely three months old.  

The portal has three major web sites dealing with different aspects of trade. These are,,,

 These websites provide complete trade related information about the Asian countries, an online trading platform to the international business community and the most secure email service for buyer-seller interaction.

 Initially the website focuses on infrastructure sector in 22 Asian countries to begin with (the list of countries is appended)., which is a unique Asia centric portal, facilitates access and exchange of business information using cutting edge web technology.

Easily and comprehensive downloadable database will provide the international business community vital trade related information such as, overview on trade and commerce, current business news, political structure, demographic and key economic indicators, currency regulations, banking, tax structure, details and status of upcoming projects in infrastructure sector and above all links to important & reliable database through a powerful speedy search engine. will provide an overview on hot Asian business destinations in specific area of Ports, Roads, Railways, Telecom and Energy. All this information is available freely and easily downloadable. However, additional and specific trade information will be available at a nominal subscription since it involves heavy data collection and analysis by the research staff of Matrix net-on-line Limited. 

WTO agreement has already liberalised trade conditions the world over. In order to further facilitate online trading, Matrix has also launched a portal named This coupled with, the Asia centric information site will provide exclusive online transaction enabled e-commerce platform, will provide online opportunity for floating and viewing the Tenders, online bid submissions etc. Auctions, display and online transactions.  Buyer Seller meets by compiling and displaying  main and general category wise product enquiries, offers and enabling online negotiations and order placement.  The matter is already being discussed with few banks for  payment gateway and very soon will provide service of online payments. Initially access to will be provided online free of cost to all registered members of business community. 

To facilitate more secure business negotiations and transactions at for buyers & sellers, Matrix  has also launched email service named This email service will be designed and hosted with 40 bit certification for encryption, running on T-1 connection on high speed, which means most secure email service available till date. Initially will provide 2 MB free space every user. 

To manage the day to day operations of the portal, Matrix has constituted an advisory board and selected members from different fields from finance to trading to marketing. To have a reliable  and a quality database of each country, Matrix has already started discussing for strategic partnerships with database portals and marketing companies in Asia.    

To facilitate all technical needs at the moment for preparing e-commerce enabled programs as per requirement, Matrix net-on-line Limited has signed an agreement with U.K. Based  software design company, which has provided all basic technical support to the company.  

Matrix expects to earn revenue from two sources : (a) banner ads and (b) paid data/information service. To promote the data service among the web site users, Matrix  will soon start fixed annual concessional tariff to its registered members on Thus the project will be commercially viable project.  

In addition to  Business to Business Portal, Martix net-on-line Limited has firm future plans to enter into  Business to Consumer Portals. The work on future portal has already been initiated by the company in the field of rental business and very soon a portal with name www. will be launched from Delhi and operations will be extended to other metros like Mumbai, Chennai, Calcutta etc at later stage. 

Till date all development of these web portals funded by own resources , Matrix net-on-line Limited will discuss with Banks/ Financial Institutes for funds for expansion of operations very soon. 

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